Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dundundun... PERIODS

A period is probably the most defining thing in puberty for a young woman. It shows us that now, we can concieve children. So, be careful. Someday I will have a spiel on pregnancy, blah-blah-blah, but today is not that day (love Lord of the Rings!) Today is the day for the period spiel.
Younger girls often think that older girls pee blood. Obviously, this is wrong. The blood is from our vagina. I assume that if you are really wondering when you will be getting your period, then you know where the vagina is.
There are some signs of starting your period:
Breast development
Growth spurt
Pubic or underarm hair
Spotting or discharge
Now, I'll assume that you know what breast development, growth spurts, and pubic hair are. But you may not know what spotting is. Spotting is when you bleed small amounts, or "spots" on your panties. Spotting is NOT always red. Sometimes, it is brown. This is because the blood coming out is often old, and you know what happens to old blood, it becomes brown.
Discharge is different. If you notice something white and crusty on your panties, this is discharge. Dishcharge can be milky white or clear, and it comes from the vagina. It tends to be clear when you are aroused or "wet", and milky when it's just your body doing it's thing.
I'll write more later, but now I have to go,


Okay, so I just got back from vacation about a week ago. I was not ignoring you guys, I was just away. So then I immediately went on blogger to post something new, but they'd redesigned it, and I could NOT log in. I tried and tried but I kept getting everything wrong. I went on on several different days, and every day it was wrong. So then, I checked the address. I had been on BLOGSTER for a week trying to log in. It took me one try once I was on the right site :P
Anyways, I'm here to talk about Yahoo! Answers. I LOVE this site! I don't know everything (believe it or not!) and it helps me a heck of a lot. Now, You can join people's networks and watch all of their answers, so I'm inviting everyone to join my network. My yahoo email is but I believe my user name is just Olivia... I don't really know! I answer questions mainly in the categories beauty and style and women's health.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Skincare 101

Okay ladies,
so, you want to take care your skin? First off, think of everything you are currently using. it should be no more than 5 products, preferably not even all at the same time. Then, think of your skin type. The different types are normal, dry, oily, and combination. You should be careful of what you put on your face, because too many products just cause breakouts. You should also try to stick to natural and organic remedies and products as much as possible, because products with ingredients like silicone, talc, and parabens can actually cause allergic reactions, breakouts, and are sometimes not very safe in the long term. Research a few products and read reviews on what works for your budget and skin type. Your skin type will make or break a product. A product with lots of oils is bad news for oily skin, and drying products like tea tree oil (an oil that isn't oily!!!) are very drying, and so bad for dry skin. Combination skin is hard, but more and more companies are releasing combination skin products.
Watch what's in your makeup too! My number one product to avoid is Talc, as it clogs pores and causes breakouts. However, I will readily admit that many, if not all, of my eyeshadows have talc, because I do not find breakouts a problem on my eyelids :) however, pressed powders should be talc free. This will cost quite a bit extra, but you will be happier with the products results. Try to go at least 2 days a week with little or no makeup, and always remove it before bed!
My skin care agenda goes like this: (I have normal skin)
Morning: wash face gently with damp NORWEX facecloth. These cloths are magic, I swear. A little water and these chemical free, soft cloths wash everything off of your face. There's a link, and honestly, ask your parents if you can get a package of them. 100000% worth it.
Scrub face with Clean 'n' Clear face cleanser. It's in a blue bottle, and the front talks about how clean and tingly it makes your face feel. I agree. It's perfect for mornings.

Evening: Gently wash face with NORWEX cloth
Remove makeup with makeup remover (Whatever I have, generally Lid-care makeup remover)
Gently lather face with Aveeno face cleanser for acne-prone skin
Dry face
Apply a few drops of tea tree oil to a puffy cotton ball. Gently buff into T-zone (the chin, nose, and forehead)

-Daily is everything in skincare. Once you find something that really works, keep an extra bottle of it around.
-Try to keep it drugstore, you'll have more access to it and save some money

Whew! Long post!

Monday, July 6, 2009


How do you feel about teasing? Do you think it's okay, if its secret? Or is it terrible no matter what? Do you ever have trouble keeping your mouth shut? Have you ever been teased?
Answer these questions in the comment box, for a teen girl poll. Results will be posted soon :)

Shaving your legs...

Well, most girls shave their legs. If they don't, people probably make fun of them behind their backs. For this reason, I've been shaving for about 2 years.
Now, if you're only about 11 or 12, please, don't shave. Shaving takes time, and you will get sick of it sooner or later, so try to note until you're about 13 or 14.
How to Shave:
you shave with soap. I use Dove Everyday moisture lather. It is a cream that foams and moisturizes, making it perfect for shaving. But you can just use normal soap.
1. Lather the soap and smear it all over your calf (the lower part of your leg)
2. Take a clean razor (NOT one a family member has been using, they can transfer diseases) and just slide it straight up your leg. any sideways bumps will cut your leg.
3. Shave your whole calf (The lower part, don't shave the thigh for a while longer), then rinse.
You will have to shave every 2 days, at least. Good luck! Leave any questions in the comment box.

How to... deodorant

So. We all start to stink of BO sometimes. And we all know that stinky girl who no-one wants to be. The most important part of smelling good: Deodorant.
How to know when to wear it:
Well, when you smell. Someday you'll just sniff your armpit and it'll smell bad. I remember, at 11, being disgusted because I smelled like sour-cream and onion soup gone bad. Yuck.
How to ask for it:
What I did, was when I hear my older brother say to my mum, "Don't forget to get me some more deodorant!" I walked up to her and whispered in her ear, "Me too" She nodded and came home with some organic deo. This subjects actually easier than you'll think, just walk up to your mum and say "add deodorant for me onto your shopping list" and you'll get it.
The deal with organic:
Organic deodorant is fine. For a while. But pretty soon, you'll be back to being the smelly girl if you don't upgrade. Because really, it works for 11 year olds, and that's about it. Once you're about 12 1/2 or 13, just tell your mum you want stronger deodorant.
How to get your deodorant to work for longer:
Wash under your arms every time you shower. It'll help a lot.
Shave under your arms, if yo have hair. Really, think about it: you put deodorant on the hair, it never touches the skin, where the smell comes from. Also, the hair makes it smell worse, too.


How to....

How to know when to get a bra: Take this test, and see what the answers say.

1. Your chest is sore and you're getting boobs.... you think...
A) Definitely
B) Nope
C) Yeah, a little

2. Sometimes your shirts rub and become uncomfortable
A) Definitely
B) Nope
C) Yeah, mildly

3. When you run, you notice a little more... jiggle-age
A) Definitely
B) Not really
C) Yeah, a little.

4. You'd like a bra
A) Definitely
B) Nope
C) Yeah, a little

5. You can see your nipples through your shirts
A) Definitely
B) Nope
C) Yeah, a little

Mostly A's: Time for a cup bra. This is a bra that gives you full support and coverage. Read on to find your size.

Mostly B's: You don't really need a bra, but if most of your friends have them, and you want one, I would definitely suggest you get a couple cute camisole bras. And don't worry, just because you don't have large breasts now doesn't mean you'll be flat forever :)

Mostly C's: You're ready for either or sports bra or camisole bra. These come in number sizes, so it's easy to find a good one that fits. These are bras the have some support, but mostly coverage, as they are only fabric, instead of fabric and padding. You can get them at Lasenza girl, the Bay, and Gap.

To find your cup bra size, read this article:
I wish I could help you girls out more, but honestly, I'm a 34 A, which is fairly small, and I'm so not a whizz at calculating bra sizes. In fact, I suck.

How to ask your mum (or guardian) for a bra:
Hopefully, you have a cool parent who says, "Hey, I think you need a bra" before you can even consider it, and take you out to get a few. If you don't follow these few steps:
1. Get them alone, when you have lots of time.
2. Ask to hear about when you were a baby. Your mum will probably gush for a while before saying, "Look how grown up you are now!"
3. If she doesn't say this, say it yourself. She'll probably agree.
4. Say, "Mum, I am growing up, and I'd really like a bra. Can you take me out to get one?"
Most mums want to be there for your first bra, so humor them instead of going out with your friends.

How to get your DAD to get you a bra:
Some girls don't have a mum, or just don't have one living with them. You can ask for help from a friend's mum if you need it, but try to corner a friend who wears bras and get them to take you shopping for one
1. Walk up to him and say, "Dad I need some money for shopping with my friends this weekend" If your dad is the type who doesn't like shelling out money for shopping, say that you need it for bras. They'll probably feel awkward and hand over the money right away.

I really hope this long post helps at least a few girls,

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hello ladies!

I was sitting on my deck today, thinking about when I was younger. I was very confused about so many things, being an only child, and kind of shy. I didn't know how to ask for a bra, deodorant, or when I should start shaving my legs. So this blog is for girls who want to know if they should be wearing a bra, when to shave their legs how to apply makeup, and generally how to grow up.
I hope you all like it, and feel free to post any questions in my comment box.